Sunday, October 16, 2011

Oct 16 2011

Tonight, after much reflection and a long wet weekend up north, bolting new routes alone, I have realised that its not time to give up. We must fight for what we want. For love, for truth, for action, for whatever we wish. Your determination is only valid if you drive it to the extreme. It will set you free and can and should be the only thing you should worry about.

I will never give up. I believe and I want the best for what is life and its path.

The future is blank, and is set in NO STONE.

Good night, tonight. Kiss your children, even if they sleep and they might wake.

Hold on to whoever is beside you, and never let go. Listen, speak, and custom your life for them. If they do the same for you, how can it fail?

Good night. xxx :)

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